Timers and intervals


Timers are one of the primary automation component for almost any project.

RoboPLC crate re-exports AtomicTimer component from atomic-timer crate, which is also a part of RoboPLC project.

The timer is truly atomic, meaning that it can be safely shared between threads with no mutexes or other synchronization primitives.

Code example:

use roboplc::AtomicTimer;

let timer = AtomicTimer::new(Duration::from_secs(1));
for _ in 0..100 {
    if timer.reset_if_expired() {
      // the timer has been reset, handle the expiration event
    } else {
      // do some work

The main benefit of AtomicTimer is that its state can be safely serialized and de-serialized, despite of the real system CLOCK_MONOTONIC value, mean it can be a part of persistent state. However, to ensure no actions are taken while a timer is being stored, it is recommended to put atomic timer objects under a mutex.

The AtomicTimer API is pretty flexible and can satisfy almost any automation logic out of the box.


By default, a new project gets both roboplc and rtsc crate (the last one is also a part of RoboPLC project) as dependencies. The rtsc crate provides a reliable and efficient way to work with time intervals.

Let us review the following code:

loop {
    // do some work

The example above is a typical way to implement a loop with a fixed interval, but it has a drawback: the interval is not guaranteed to be precise, as the work, sleep syscall as well as the loop itself can introduce some additional delay.

This is absolutely unacceptable for mission-critical workers, where time often plays crucial role.

It is not a rocket science to implement a precise interval:

let mut next_start = Instant::now() + Duration::from_millis(100);
loop {
    // do some work
    let now = Instant::now();
    if now < next_start {
        thread::sleep(next_start - now);
    } else {
        warn!("The loop is running too slow");
    next_start += Duration::from_millis(100);

however Interval component does it out of the box, providing also additional features like configurable missed tick behavior and iteration interface.

use rtsc::time::interval;

for loop_state in interval(Duration::from_millis(100)) {
    // do some work
    // optionally, check if there was a missed tick
    if !loop_state {
        warn!("The loop is running too slow");

The Interval component or similar are the most recommended way to implement precise time intervals in synchronous code.

Note that the component can not be serialized or sent between threads, unless wrapped with a mutex, so it can not be a part of the persistent state. The main approach is to:

  • Use timers for persistent state and where the basic interval logic is not enough.

  • Use intervals for worker loops, which should be limited by time to prevent CPU or I/O overuse.

  • Also, use intervals for worker loops, which should sample data with a specific frequency.