A simple service in Rust
As EVA ICS itself is written in Rust, the primary and recommended SDK is the Rust one.
The task
Let us create a simple monitoring service, which monitors temperature sensors and sends email notifications when temperature is above a threshold.
Creating a project
Install eva-lsl:
cargo install eva-lsl
Create a new project:
eva-lsl new svc-example-temp
eva-lsl creates a new project with FIPS-140 disabled. If the service is going to be used in FIPS-140 environment, remove “openssl-no-fips” feature from eva-common dependency in Cargo.toml.
The command will automatically create a new project with the service template and add required dependencies. Alternatively, a new project can be created with the regular cargo command:
cargo new svc-example-temp
The service requires two EVA ICS crates:
eva-sdk - provides the primary service SDK methods and structures
eva-common - the common crate, used both in EVA ICS and 3rd party services
and few additional:
name = "eva-svc-example-temp"
version = "0.0.1"
edition = "2021"
publish = false
eva-common = { version = "0.3", features = ["events", "common-payloads", "payload", "acl"] }
eva-sdk = { version = "0.3" }
tokio = { version = "1.36.0", features = ["full"] }
async-trait = { version = "0.1.77" }
serde = { version = "1.0.196", features = ["derive", "rc"] }
log = "0.4.20"
jemallocator = { version = "0.5.4" }
once_cell = "1.19.0"
std-alloc = []
Open src/main.rs and let us continue.
Preparing the system
Deploy an instance of Mailer service
Create a couple of sensors with eva-shell:
eva item create sensor:sdktest/temp1
eva item create sensor:sdktest/temp2
In this example, the sensors are not mapped to real equipment, but their state values can be changed with eva-shell manually, as the following:
eva item set sensor:sdktest/temp1 1 -v20
Service code
Here is the service code, guided with comments:
// the structure contains a set of EVA ICS OIDs, which are going to be monitored
use eva_common::acl::OIDMaskList;
// a log helper, which allows to quickly log std::result::Result error messages
use eva_common::err_logger;
// only local bus states are going to be monitored (states, replicated from other EVA ICS nodes are
// not processed)
use eva_common::events::LOCAL_STATE_TOPIC;
// EVA ICS bus uses MessagePack as the primary serialization format, the following methods are
// aliases for rmp_serde ones
use eva_common::payload::{pack, unpack};
// import common EVA ICS structures and methods, such as the standard Error, result (EResult), OID,
// Value (represents any valid MessagePack value) etc.
use eva_common::prelude::*;
// import common SDK methods, required for services
use eva_sdk::prelude::*;
// import basic item state structure
use eva_sdk::types::State;
// it is recommended to keep EVA ICS services simple and small and make majority of shared
// variables as static ones, so OnceCell (and/or lazy_static) is here
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
// serde, used to process bus structures
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
// and a few others
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::sync::atomic;
use std::sync::Mutex;
// this macro alters Result with additional methods:
// log_ef() - log error and forget the result
// log_efd() - log error as debug and forget the result
// log_err() - log error and keep the result
// log_ed() - log error as debug and keep the result
// Why isn't a trait imported? The reason is simple: the macro defines the trait inside THE CURRENT
// module, which allows to log messages on behalf of it.
// Typical service constants, used in bus EAPI etc.
const AUTHOR: &str = "Bohemia Automation";
const VERSION: &str = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION");
const DESCRIPTION: &str = "Temperature monitor";
// Let us define a hysteresis: a sensor is considered as back-to-normal, if the temperature drops
// below threshold-hysteresis. Values between are not processed.
const HYSTERESIS: f64 = 2.0;
// Let us calculate how many email notifications are sent
// The value can be obtained later using the console command:
// eva svc call eva.svc.alarm_temp get_counter
static COUNTER: atomic::AtomicUsize = atomic::AtomicUsize::new(0);
// It is recommended to use Jemalloc, which is found to provide the best functionality in
// industrial automation tasks. But tasks may vary, so let us keep a way to switch back to the
// standard one.
#[cfg(not(feature = "std-alloc"))]
static ALLOC: jemallocator::Jemalloc = jemallocator::Jemalloc;
// The notification map, keeps info which sensors were already processed
static NOTIFIED: Lazy<Mutex<HashMap<OID, bool>>> = Lazy::new(<_>::default);
// BUS/RT RPC handlers
struct Handlers {
// EVA ICS service info structure
info: ServiceInfo,
// Let us put some variables inside the handlers object directly:
// e-mail recipient
rcpt: String,
// EVA ICS mailer service id
mailer_svc: String,
// The temperature threshold
threshold: f64,
// Let us describe BUS/RT RPC handlers methods
impl RpcHandlers for Handlers {
// Handle RPC call
async fn handle_call(&self, event: RpcEvent) -> RpcResult {
// The following macro automatically returns Error::not_ready if the service is not fully
// initialized yet
let method = event.parse_method()?;
match method {
// There is only one RPC method - "get_counter", which returns the number of email
// messages sent
"get_counter" => {
struct Reply {
count: usize,
Ok(Some(pack(&Reply {
count: COUNTER.load(atomic::Ordering::SeqCst),
// This SDK function automatically provides the following standard EVA ICS service RPC
// methods: "test", "info" and "stop", which must be included in all service
// implementations
_ => svc_handle_default_rpc(method, &self.info),
// handle BUS/RT frames
async fn handle_frame(&self, frame: Frame) {
// The following macro automatically makes function return if the service is not fully
// initialized yet
// Only frames with topic (bus publications) are processed
// When the service instance is started, it is not required to load telemetry from EVA ICS
// core, as the core automatically sends bus notifications at startup to subscribers, after
// all services are started
if let Some(topic) = frame.topic() {
// Only local state topics are processed
if let Some(item_topic) = topic.strip_prefix(LOCAL_STATE_TOPIC) {
self.process_state(item_topic, frame.payload())
impl Handlers {
// This function processes states of subscribed sensors
async fn process_state(&self, item_topic: &str, payload: &[u8]) -> EResult<()> {
// Letter payload, required for the mailer service "send" RPC method
struct Letter<'a> {
rcp: &'a str,
subject: String,
text: String,
// Parse sensor OID from the topic
let oid = OID::from_path(item_topic)?;
// Parse sensor state
let state: State = unpack(payload)?;
let mut letter_c = None;
// The next lines represent common Rust code, so no comments are provided
if let Some(value) = state.value {
if let Ok(temperature) = f64::try_from(value) {
let mut notified = NOTIFIED.lock().unwrap();
let was_sensor_notified = notified.get(&oid).copied().unwrap_or_default();
if temperature > self.threshold && !was_sensor_notified {
let text = format!("{} temperature is {}", oid, temperature);
warn!("{}", text);
letter_c = Some(Letter {
rcp: &self.rcpt,
subject: format!("{} is hot", oid),
notified.insert(oid, true);
} else if temperature < self.threshold - HYSTERESIS && was_sensor_notified {
let text = format!("{} temperature is {}", oid, temperature);
info!("{}", text);
letter_c = Some(Letter {
rcp: &self.rcpt,
subject: format!("{} is back to normal", oid),
notified.insert(oid, false);
if let Some(letter) = letter_c {
COUNTER.fetch_add(1, atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
eapi_bus::call(&self.mailer_svc, "send", pack(&letter)?.into()).await?;
// The service configuration
struct Config {
// Array (set) of sensor OID masks
sensors: OIDMaskList,
// E-mail recipient
rcpt: String,
// Mailer service ID
mailer_svc: String,
// The temperature threshold
threshold: f64,
// The proc attribute renames the function to eva_service_main and generates the following main
// instead:
// fn main() -> eva_common::EResult<()> { svc_launch(eva_service_main) }
// The structure Initial contains the initial payload, which is generated by EVA ICS service
// launcher and pushed to STDIN of the service process. This is also automatically handled by the
// proc attribute.
async fn main(mut initial: Initial) -> EResult<()> {
// Get config from initial and deserialize it
let config: Config = Config::deserialize(
.ok_or_else(|| Error::invalid_data("config not specified"))?,
// init RPC
let mut info = ServiceInfo::new(AUTHOR, VERSION, DESCRIPTION);
// It is not obliged to include all available service RPC methods into ServiceInfo, however
// including methods and their parameters provide additional interface (the data is obtained by
// calling "info" RPC method), e.g. auto-completion for eva-shell
// The initial payload sturucture provides several methods to init the bus RPC, the primary
// ones are: "init_rpc" and "init_rpc_blocking".
// The difference is that "init_rpc_blocking" initializes the bus RPC in blocking mode, meaning
// that "handle_frame" calls are always processed one-by-one to keep strict event ordering.
// As in the current example it is highly unlikely that temperatures may change rapidly fast,
// as well as fieldbus controllers usually do not pull such data more often than e.g.
// 100-200ms, it is fine to go with "init_rpc", which is more easy to handle.
// Blocking mode requires additional code complication, such as having a secondary instance for
// RPC to perform bus calls inside the frame handler and be sure the handler works fast enough
// - as soon as the service bus queue is full, it is automatically disconnected by BUS/RT
// broker.
// Starting from EVA ICS SDK 0.3.33 it is recommended to use high-level EAPI eva_sdk::eapi_bus
// interface instead of BUS/RT directly
let handlers = Handlers {
rcpt: config.rcpt,
mailer_svc: config.mailer_svc,
threshold: config.threshold,
eapi_bus::init(&initial, handlers).await?;
// Services are usually started under root and should drop privileges after the bus socket is
// connected
// A helper function, which subscribes BUS/RT client to all state events for OIDs maching
// the given OIDMaskList
eapi_bus::subscribe_oids(&config.sensors, eva_sdk::service::EventKind::Local).await?;
// Init service logs (bus logger)
// Start sigterm handler
// Mark the instance ready and active
info!("{} started ({})", DESCRIPTION, initial.id());
// request the core to privately annonce of sensor states to get the current state of sensors
// as soon as possible
eapi_bus::request_announce(&config.sensors, eva_sdk::service::EventKind::Local).await?;
// The service is blocked until one of the following:
// * RPC client is disconnected from the bus
// * The service gets a termination signal
// Tell the core and other services that the service is terminating
Service template
The following template can be used to quickly create a service instance with eva-shell:
eva svc create my.svc.alarm_temp svc-tpl.yml
command: path/to/eva-svc-example-temp
path: var/bus.ipc
- sensor:sdktest/#
rcpt: me@domain
mailer_svc: eva.svc.mailer
threshold: 25
user: nobody
workers: 1
Testing the service
Temporarily disable the service instance, executed by the node launcher:
eva svc disable my.svc.alarm_temp
After the service code is ready and the configuration is deployed, the service can be tested locally using eva-lsl:
eva-lsl run my.svc.alarm_temp
If the EVA ICS node is on a remote machine, append -b (–bus) parameter and make sure the node bus accepts remote connections (eva edit config/bus).