Command-line tools


The primary command-line tool to manage EVA ICS nodes is eva-shell, which is either installed automatically or can be added later, by including “eva-shell” Python module in the Python virtual environment.


with eva-shell IoT management is a joy

EVA ICS v4 eva-shell can work in both command-line and interactive mode (type “eva” without arguments to start it).

The interactive mode provides various features, like TAB-auto-completion, command repetitions (“command |T” or “command |cT”, where T is the command interval, in seconds) etc.


eva-shell is not included into EVA ICS distribution any longer (but may be installed automatically). To install/update it, either edit “eva/config/python-venv” registry key, specify the desired version in “extra” section (e.g. eva-shell>=0.0.1) and rebuild the Python virtual environment (/opt/eva4/sbin/venvmgr build). Or execute:

/opt/eva4/sbin/venvmgr add eva-shell
# or
/opt/eva4/sbin/venvmgr add eva-shell==N # where N = version number

The latest eva-shell version number can be obtained from

EVA Cloud Manager CLI

EVA Cloud manager CLI is a powerful command-line tool, which allows to perform certain tasks on the local node/cloud without eva-shell, such as updating nodes, performing cloud deployment etc.

The tool is used by the node process and eva-shell, but can be called directly as well.

Always installed by default, location: /opt/eva4/bin/eva-cloud-manager


Various calls to the EVA ICS core and services can be performed via BUS/RT with “sbin/bus” command-line tool.


EVA ICS bus RPC uses MessagePack-packed payloads. To convert YAML to MessagePack, a provided tool “bin/yml2mp” can be used.

Registry management

Command-line tools

  • sbin/eva-registry-cli registry command-line tool (included by default)

  • sbin/key-as-source and sbin/key-set-flag wrappers around “eva-registry-cli” for certain tasks.

  • sbin/eva-edit-python-venv edit Python virtual environment configuration.

Python VENV management

A tool sbin/venvmgr can be used to quickly setup/manage the optional Python virtual environment (requires for Python services and certain tools).