Replication service
The replication service allows V4 nodes to replicate events and interact with each other.
There can be only a single replication service instance per pub/sub server deployed on each EVA ICS node.
The nodes must be connected via either PSRT or MQTT pub/sub.
PSRT is an in-house pub/sub protocol, designed especially for industrial needs, which can efficiently replicate lots of events per seconds and deal with large payloads via slow channels.
MQTT is popular standard IoT protocol, widely used and provided by lots of free and commercial service applications, as well as hosted versions from various cloud providers.
To communicate, both local and remote node must share the same API key (a key service is required, e.g. Local user/key authentication service. In trusted environment it is possible to use the same “default” key for all nodes. In untrusted ones it is recommended to have a dedicated key for each node pair.
All key fields MUST contain API key ID, not the key value.
The API key specifies ACL(s) for the remote node to handle RPC-via-pub/sub calls.
To enable all remote bus calls, nodes must also share the same API key with admin privileges, which must be set in “admin_key_id” configuration field on the primary (manager) node. The security policy is the same as for regular keys.
When the “admin_key_id” is set, the remote node becomes “managed”.
Remote bus calls are required for IaC and deployment if a deployment configuration contains sections for remote nodes.
If discovery is enabled, newly discovered nodes are automatically connected with the “default_key”. Discovery feature is recommended for trusted and semi-trusted environments.
One node can have multiple replication services deployed. However all of the must replicate with the own set of remote nodes. Having same remote nodes replicated by different services leads to abnormal system behavior.
See also: Node replication, Pub/Sub RPC and data replication.
Pub/sub security
In production systems a pub/sub server can be securely shared between customers in case of the following conditions:
no node discovery (as node states can be forged)
bulk telemetry, bulk encryption
All RPC calls in EVA ICS are AES-256-encrypted by default.
Replicating untrusted nodes
By default, all remote nodes are trusted, which means any one can push/provide telemetry data for any item.
If there is an untrusted node connected, it can provide fake telemetry data for certain items, also it is not possible to use pub/sub security for bulk topics.
In this case, the node must be marked as untrusted in its configuration, which can be done either with eva-shell command “node append” with --untrusted argument, “node edit” for existing nodes (config field: trusted) or in the node deployment configuration.
Untrusted nodes should use dedicated API Keys only. To let a remote untrusted node provide telemetry data, the configured API key must have ACL with “write” permission for the allowed items, otherwise the telemetry is ignored in both push and pull.
Untrusted nodes should provide their telemetry via bulk topics only, in the encrypted way only. Such topics must be configured in the replication service as “secure topics”:
- all
Regular bulk topics do not check senders’ ACLs and should be used for trusted nodes only.
Use the template EVA_DIR/share/svc-tpl/svc-tpl-replication.yml:
# EVA ICS v4-v4 replication service
command: svc/eva-repl
workers: 1
path: var/bus.ipc
# mqtt or psrt
proto: psrt
# path to CA certificate file. Enables SSL if set
ca_certs: null
# single or multiple hosts
# if more than a single host is specified, shuffle the list before connecting
cluster_hosts_randomize: false
# user name / password auth
username: null
password: null
ping_interval: 10
# pub/sub queue size
queue_size: 1024
# pub/sub QoS (not required for PSRT)
qos: 1
# the local key service, required both to make and process API calls via PubSub
# set null to turn off announcements
announce_interval: 10
# respond to API calls
api_enabled: true
# enable discovery of secondary nodes
discovery_enabled: true
# key (id) to use for auto-discovered nodes
default_key_id: default
# subscription logic
# each: subscribe to individual topics for each item, plus bulks if defined
# all: accept states for all items, move filtering from the Pub/Sub server
# to the local core
# bulk_only: subscribe to bulk topics only
subscribe: each
#topic: all
#compress: true # set to enable bulk compression
#encryption_key: null # set (key id) to enable bulk encryption
#buf_ttl_sec: 0.5
#- all_pub
# - all
# subscribed OIDs
- "#"
oids_exclude: []
# DANGEROUS, enable for multi-level clusters only
#replicate_remote: true
user: nobody
Create the service using eva-shell:
eva svc create eva.repl.1 /opt/eva4/share/svc-tpl/svc-tpl-replication.yml
or using the bus CLI client:
cd /opt/eva4
cat DEPLOY.yml | ./bin/yml2mp | \
./sbin/bus ./var/bus.ipc rpc call eva.core svc.deploy -
(see eva.core::svc.deploy for more info)
EAPI methods
See EAPI commons for the common information about the bus, types, errors and RPC calls.
Description |
Calls any remote method (requires management access) |
Parameters |
required |
Returns |
RPC result as-is |
Name |
Type |
Description |
Required |
node |
String |
Remote node ID |
yes |
Description |
Appends remote node with the default configuration |
Parameters |
required |
Returns |
nothing |
Name |
Type |
Description |
Required |
i |
String |
Node name |
yes |
Description |
Deploys remote nodes and their configuration |
Parameters |
required |
Returns |
nothing |
Name |
Type |
Description |
Required |
nodes |
Vec<struct> |
Node configurations (same as got in node.export) |
no |
Description |
Exports node deployment configurations |
Parameters |
required |
Returns |
Node deploy config |
Name |
Type |
Description |
Required |
i |
String |
Node ID (accepts wildcards) |
yes |
Return payload example:
"nodes": [
"admin_key_id": "admin",
"compress": true,
"enabled": true,
"key_id": "default",
"name": "rtest1",
"ping_interval": 1.0,
"reload_interval": 60.0,
"timeout": 30.0
Description |
Gets state of a single remote node |
Parameters |
required |
Returns |
Node state (struct) |
Name |
Type |
Description |
Required |
i |
String |
Node name |
yes |
Return payload example:
"build": 2022050902,
"compress": true,
"enabled": true,
"link_uptime": 183.26962651,
"managed": true,
"name": "rtest1",
"online": true,
"ping_interval": 1.0,
"reload_interval": 60.0,
"static": true,
"timeout": 30.0,
"version": "4.0.0"
Description |
Gets configuration of a single node |
Parameters |
required |
Returns |
Node config (struct) |
Name |
Type |
Description |
Required |
i |
String |
Node ID |
yes |
Return payload example:
"admin_key_id": "admin",
"compress": true,
"enabled": true,
"key_id": "default",
"name": "rtest1",
"ping_interval": 1.0,
"reload_interval": 60.0,
"timeout": 30.0
Description |
Lists remote nodes |
Parameters |
none |
Returns |
List (struct) |
Return payload example:
"build": 2022050902,
"compress": true,
"enabled": true,
"link_uptime": 85.004101572,
"managed": true,
"name": "rtest1",
"online": true,
"ping_interval": 1.0,
"reload_interval": 60.0,
"static": true,
"timeout": 30.0,
"version": "4.0.0"
"build": 2022050902,
"compress": true,
"enabled": true,
"link_uptime": 122.0092,
"managed": true,
"name": "rtest2",
"online": true,
"ping_interval": 1.0,
"reload_interval": 60.0,
"static": true,
"timeout": 30.0,
"version": "4.0.0"
Description |
Tests management call to a remote node |
Parameters |
required |
Returns |
nothing |
Name |
Type |
Description |
Required |
i |
String |
Node ID |
yes |
Description |
Forces reload of a remote node |
Parameters |
required |
Returns |
nothing |
Name |
Type |
Description |
Required |
i |
String |
Node ID |
yes |
Description |
Removes a single node |
Parameters |
required |
Returns |
nothing |
Name |
Type |
Description |
Required |
i |
String |
Node ID |
yes |
Description |
Tests connection to a remote node |
Parameters |
required |
Returns |
nothing |
Name |
Type |
Description |
Required |
i |
String |
Node ID |
yes |
Description |
Deploys remote nodes and their configuration |
Parameters |
required |
Returns |
nothing |
Name |
Type |
Description |
Required |
nodes |
Vec<struct/String> |
Node configurations or IDs |
no |