Notification system
The Notification System is embedded in all EVA subsystems. All the events of these subsystems are sent to the notification servers via objects called “notifiers” which contain the configuration of the notification endpoints.
Event structure
Each event includes the following data:
Event subject (not to be confused with MQTT subject) * Notification space May be used to divide the controlled structure into sectors, e.g. city1/office1, plant1 etc. By dividing spaces you can separate one EVA installation from another using the same notification server, e.g. to create your own multi-control and multi-monitoring systems.
Event data (usually JSON dict with) data on what’s actually happened
Event subjects
There are several event subjects in EVA. Each notification endpoint can be subscribed either to one of them or to several ones.
state - item state change event
The event notifications with the “state” subject are sent by Universal Controller and Logic Manager whenever the items change their status.
Notification sends data similar to those, one can get using UC API or LM API state. There is one difference for a sensors:: sensor with error status (status = -1) does not send its value data until the value is null. This was done specifically for the logic components to work correctly with the old value until the sensor status data is updated correctly and the sensor is back online or until the data is expired.
action - unit and macro action events
Every time the unit action or macro action changes its status, the notification server receives “action” event notification.
Notification sends data similar to ones that can be obtained using UC API result command.
log - logged event
When the system or you add record to the logs, the notification system sends ‘log’ event notification. The log notification data have the following format:
"h": "<SYSTEM_NAME>",
"l": <LEVEL>,
"p": "<PRODUCT_CODE>",
"msg": "<message body>",
"mod": "<MODULE>",
"th": "<MODULE_THREAD>",
"dt": <TIME RFC3339>
SYSTEM_NAME the name specified in the configuration file of controller (or hostname by default)
LEVEL 10 - DEBUG, 20 - INFO, 30 - WARNING, 40 - ERROR or 50 for CRITICAL
PRODUCT_CODE “uc” for Universal Controller, “lm” for Logic Manager, “sfa” for SCADA Final Aggregator
MODULE a specific system module, e.g. ‘unit’
MODULE_THREAD the module thread, e.g. “_t_action_processor_lamp1”
Important: the system does not send the log records related to the notification system itself. They are not visible via EI interfaces and are written only into the local log files. This was done for the notification system not to send the records in cycles.
server - server events
Server events are used to notify controllers and clients about system events. Event format is simple:
"s": "server",
"d": "<event>"
Event data for MQTT notifiers is packed as dict:
"s": "server",
"d": {
... system data ...
e: "<event>"
Configuring the notification endpoints
Configuration is done using the console commands uc-notifier for Universal Controller, lm-notifier for Logic Manager and sfa-notifier for SCADA Final Aggregator or eva ns <uc|lm|sfa>. Therefore, even if two controllers are set up in the same folder on the same server, they have different notification endpoints configurations.
Basic Configuration
Let’s play with notification system e.g. of Universal Controller. This command will give us the list of notifiers, including their types, IDs, status and endpoint target.
# eva ns uc list
Let’s test the endpoint (for mqtt the system will try to publish [space]/test)
# eva ns uc test eva_1 OK
To create the new notifier configuration, run:
eva ns uc create [-s SPACE] [-t SEC] [-y] ID PROPS
ID the unique ID of the notifier
PROPS endpoint properties, e.g. mqtt:[username:password]@host:[port]
-s SPACE notification space
-t SEC timeout (optional)
Option “-y” enables the notification configuration right after creation (by default all notifiers are created as disabled)
The notifier configuration params may be viewed with props and changed with set notifier CLI commands. To apply the changes you must restart the controller.
Except for endpoint configuration, notifiers have some additional params:
collect_logs this should be set to “true” for SCADA Final Aggregator MQTT notifiers if you want to collect the logs of other controllers and have the records available locally in SFA.
interval when set, notifier will send subscribed item states with the specified interval
notify_key notification key for custom http endpoints
skip_test if “true”, the endpoint won’t be tested at the controller start (the controller keeps the notifier active but puts error into the log)
Subscribing the notifier to events
By default, the new notifier is not subscribed to any events. You can review all the subscriptions using “get_config” command.
To subscribe notifier to the new subject, run:
eva ns uc subscribe <subject> <notifier_id> [args]
(where subject is “state”, “log” or “action”)
When subscribing notifier to logs, you may use optional -l LEVEL param (10 - DEBUG, 20 - INFO, default, 30 - WARNING, 40 - ERROR, 50 - CRITICAL).
When subscribing notifier to state changes, you may also always specify item types (comma separated) or use ‘#’ for all types with -p TYPE param, groups with -g GROUPS. Optionally you may specify the particular items to subscribe notifier to with -I ITEMS.
For each “state” subscription you must specify either type and groups or item IDs.
eva ns uc subscribe state test1 -p ‘#’ -g ‘hall/#’
subscribes the notifier test1 to the events of the status change of all the items in the hall group subgroups.
Subscription to “action” requires the params similar to “state”. Additionally, -a ‘#’ should be specified to subscribe to all the action statuses or -a state1,state2,state3… to subscribe to the certain statuses of the queued actions:.
For example, the following command will subscribe the notifier to the events of all failed actions:
eva ns uc subscribe action test2 -p '#' -g '#' -a dead,refused,canceled,ignored,failed,terminated
Once created, the subscription can’t be changed, but new subscription to the same subject replaces the configuration of the previous one.
To unsubscribe the notifier from the subject, run:
eva ns uc unsubscribe [subject] <notifier_id>
If the subject is not specified, the notifier will be unsubscribed from all notification subjects.
The controller should be restarted to apply the new subscriptions configuration.
MQTT (mqtt)
MQTT is a major endpoint type used to link several EVA subsystems. For instance, it enables Logic Manager and SCADA Final Aggregator controllers to receive the latest item status from Universal Controller servers when set on a nodes in different networks. We test and use EVA with mosquitto server, but you can use any server supporting MQTT protocol. As far as MQTT is the major type of the EVA notification system, let us examine it in detailed.
MQTT and state notifications
Items in MQTT form a subject hive so-called “EVA hive”. Hive may have a space e.g. “plant1/” to separate several EVA systems which use the same MQTT server.
Item’s state is stored in a hive with the subject SPACE/item_type/group/item_id and contains the item state data and some configuration params in JSON array.
By default, MQTT notifier creates a subscription per item to avoid processing of unnecessary topics. If the cloud contains lots of items which need to be synchronized with the local controller, sometimes it is useful to set subscribe_all notifier option to true. If set, notifier is subscribed to all possible item state and control topics using wildcards. This may cause more overhead on the controller side, but reduces MQTT server load.
MQTT and action notifications
Unit action notifications are sent to the topic
Logic macros action notifications are sent to the topic
These messages include the serialized action information in JSON format. As soon as action state is changed, the new notification is sent.
MQTT and log notifications
Log messages are sent to the MQTT server as JSON with the following MQTT subject:
It means that the common log subject is created for one EVA space.
Any EVA server (usually it’s a job for SCADA Final Aggregator) can be a log collector, collecting the reports from MQTT server (space/log), pass them further via the local notification system and have them available via API. In order to enable this function, set param collect_logs to true in the notifier configuration:
sfa-notifier set eva_1 collect_logs true
Setting up MQTT SSL
If MQTT server requires SSL connection, the following notifier properties should be set:
ca_certs CA certificates file (e.g. for Debian/Ubuntu: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt), required. SSL client connection is enabled as soon as this property is set.
certfile SSL certificate file, if required for authentication
keyfile SSL key file for SSL cert
Setting up MQTT QoS
You may specify different MQTT QoS for events with different subjects.
To set the same QoS for all events, use command:
eva ns uc <notifier_id> set qos <Q>
(where Q = 0, 1 or 2)
To set QoS for the specified subject, use command:
eva ns uc <notifier_id> set qos.<subject> <Q>
eva ns uc eva_1 set qos.log 0
Quick facts about MQTT QoS:
0 the minimum system/network load but does not guarantee message delivery
1 guarantees message delivery
2 the maximum system/network load which provides 100% guarantee of message delivery and guarantees the particular message has been delivered only once and has no duplicates.
Use MQTT for updating item states
MQTT is the only EVA notifier type performing two functions at once: both sending and receiving messages.
Control and monitoring items can use MQTT to change their state (for synchronization) if the external controller can send active notifications under this protocol.
The items change their state to the state received from MQTT, if someone sends its state update to EVA hive with status or value subtopics. Setting item state with primary topic (using JSON dict) is not recommended.
To let the item receive MQTT state updates, set its mqtt_update configuration param to the local MQTT notifier ID, as well as additionally optionally specify MQTT QoS using a semicolon (i.e. eva_1:2). QoS=1 is used by default.
State updates should be sent either to MQTT topics “path/to/unit/status” and “path/to/unit/value” or as JSON message to “path/to/item”. In example, to set sensor “env/temp” value to 25:
MQTT topic: sensor/env/temp
MQTT payload:
{ "value": 25 }
As item value is always stored / exchanged as a string, it can be set via MQTT in any convertible format.
There is also a configuration parameter mqtt-update-default which can be set in config/<controller>/main registry keys (default e.g. to eva_1:2) and applied to all newly created items.
One item can be subscribed to a single MQTT notifier to get the state updates, but different items on the same controller can be subscribed to different MQTT notifiers.
MQTT and unit actions
MQTT can be also used as API to send actions to the units. In order to send an action to the unit via MQTT, send a message with the following subject: [space]/<group>/<unit_id>/control and:
either in a form of text messages “status [value] [priority]”. If you want to skip value, but keep priority, set it to null, i.e. “status 0 null 50”. “value” and “priority” parameters are optional. If value should be omitted, set it to “none”.
or in JSON format (fields “value” and “priority” are optional):
{ "status": 1, "value": "", "priority": 100 }
In case you need 100% reliability, it is not recommended to control units via MQTT, because MQTT can only guarantee that the action has been received by MQTT server, but not by the target Universal Controller. Additionally, you cannot obtain action uuid and further monitor it.
To let unit responding to MQTT control messages, set its configuration param mqtt_control to the local MQTT ID. You may specify QoS as well via semicolon, similarly as for mqtt_update.
MQTT and bulk events
To send events in bulk:
set buf_ttl notifier option to the desired buffering time
on secondary controllers (senders) set bulk_topic notifier option to any value (e.g.. state/all)
on primary controllers (receivers) set bulk_subscribe notifier option to the same value (the option can have multiple values, set as comma separated)
for slow connections, set bulk_compress option to true. The option switches bulk state messages from JSON to zipped MessagePack, which provides faster data exchange speed.
IoT Cloud setup
Special properties of MQTT notifiers allow to set up a cloud and connect EVA ICS nodes via MQTT instead of HTTP:
announce_interval if greater than zero, controller will announce itself with a chosen interval (in seconds) via MQTT to other cloud members.
api_enabled allows controller to execute API calls from other cloud members via MQTT.
discovery enabled controller will connect other nodes in cloud as soon as discover them.
To use auto discovery feature, API key named default must be present and equal on all nodes.
API calls via MQTT are encrypted with strong AES256 algorithm, this allows to use any 3rd party MQTT servers without any risk.
Optionally, controller can be a member of different clouds via different MQTT notifiers.
PSRT (Pub/Sub Realtime Telemetry Protocol) is the protocol invented to deal with large enterprise setups on slow channels, where huge payloads are generated.
PSRT is almost fully compatible with MQTT notifiers and its usage in EVA ICS is almost the same, except:
PSRT is ICANN/IESG-approved protocol. The official ports, assigned by IANA are 2873 TCP/UDP.
Additional option “socket_buf_size”, which should be set to 1.5-2x size of the largest payload expected
No option keep_alive in PSRT notifiers, as PSRT clients and servers use timeouts to set keep-alive ping frequencies
No “qos” option as QoS in PSRT is, using MQTT measurements, always 2
No “retain_enabled” option as retains in PSRT are not supported
No “certfile” and “keyfile” options as PSRT supports password auth only
For PSRT clusters, there are two additional options:
“cluster_paths” - cluster nodes (host:port), comma separated
“cluster_paths_randomize” - randomize node selection (default: True)
If “cluster_paths” option is set, it overrides the values of “host” and “port” options, which are ignored during connection.
PSRT protocol is almost fully logically compatible with MQTT. In EVA ICS PSRT notifiers transparently replace MQTT notifiers. After creating, PSRT notifiers are used as regular MQTT notifiers.
This means, item and controller fields such as “mqtt_update”, “mqtt_control” can be set to PSRT notifier IDs.
For PSRT inter-connections, controller URIs must be set to mqtt:notifier_id:node_id
UDP notifiers (LURP)
Starting from EVA ICS 3.4, there is a lightweight UDP notifier, which pushes events with simple UDP packets. In EVA ICS this method is called LURP (Lightweight UDP Replication Protocol).
LURP is very fast and lightweight, however can cause data loss in unstable networks. Actually, Using LURP is equal of using MQTT notifiers with QoS 0, but without the central data exchange point and with more lightweight UDP packets.
To enable LURP, create “udp” notifier on secondary controllers (senders) and enable LURP ports on primary controllers (receivers) in LM PLC config or SFA config.
If bulk notifications are used, make sure LURP buffer option is enough to fit the largest expected data packet, otherwise data packets with size exceeding buffer are received broken and ignored.
Turning on LURP does not mean that controllers stop sending events via other methods. To stop sending events via MQTT, unsubscribe MQTT notifiers from selected topics. To stop sending events via web sockets, set controller prop option (on the receiver) ws_state_events to false.
If UDP frame exceeds max_frame_size bytes, it is automatically splitted into multiple, which may decrease data replication performance. If faced, consider lowering or disabling buf_ttl notifier property.
The default max frame size is 65000 bytes, which is good for a single-host replication and usually good for local networks. If used in larger networks and/or packet/event drops occur, it is recommended to either set max_frame_size to the value lower than the network MTU or increase the network MTU instead.
To quickly turn on LURP for inter-connection on a local machine, the following command can be used:
eva feature setup lurp_local
The command automatically creates required notifier and reconfigures receivers, it also turns off web socket state events for local controllers.
UDP frame format
Frame bytes:
byte |
value |
0 |
0x02 (v2) |
1 |
encoding (0x01 = json, 0x02 = msgpack) |
2 |
frame type |
3..N |
serialized data |
Frame types (byte 2):
value |
description |
0x00 |
single frame, decode data as-is |
0x01 |
multi-frame data, first frame |
0x02 |
multi-frame data, next frame |
0xff |
multi-frame data, end frame |
If multi-frame data is received, all frame data blocks (byte 3..N) MUST be combined before deserializing.
DB Notifiers
RDBMS (SQLite, MySQL, PosgreSQL)
EVA ICS has a special notifier type: db, which is used to store items’ state history. State history can be obtained later via API calls or EVA ICS JS Framework for analysis and e.g. to build graphical charts.
To create db notifier, specify notifier props as db:<db_uri>, e.g. db:runtime/db/history1.db, where runtime/db/history1.db - database file in runtime folder.
DB notifier properties:
keep keep records for the specified number of seconds. If keep time is not specified, EVA keeps records for last 86400 seconds (24 hours).
simple_cleaning by default, records are analyzed before deletion to make sure each item will have at least one state metric in database after cleanup. This may cause additional overhead for the heavy loaded setups. Setting the property to true tells EVA to delete old records with a single query, ignoring that some of the items could have no records left after.
After creating db notifier, don’t forget to subscribe it to state events. Events action and log are ignored.
If easy-setup is used for EVA installation, notifier called db_1 for SFA is created automatically, default History database format is sqlite3.
To create default (sqlite) db notifier, you may specify either database absolute path or relative to EVA ICS directory. sqlite:/// prefix is optional and will be added automatically if missing.
EVA ICS db notifiers work via SQL Alchemy, so MySQL and PosgreSQL data storage is also supported.
E.g. to use MySQL, specify db uri as:
(pymysql Python module is required)
(mysqlclient Python module is required)
If you get “failed to create state_history table” error with MySQL/MariaDB, try setting:
set global innodb_file_format=Barracuda;
set global innodb_large_prefix=1;
set global innodb_default_row_format=dynamic;
or put these options to database server configuration file.
Timescale is a plugin for PosgreSQL, which can be used to speed up time series data frames.
“timescaledb” notifier is absolutely equal to RDBMS PosgreSQL notifier, except history functions use built-in methods of Timescale, instead of processing data by themselves.
Version 1
Item state metrics can be stored to InfluxDB time series database.
Consider InfluxDB is installed on local host, without password authentication. Firstly, create database for EVA ICS:
> create database eva
Then create InfluxDB notifier, e.g. for SCADA Final Aggregator:
eva ns sfa create influx_local 'influxdb:'
eva ns sfa test influx_local
eva ns sfa subscribe state influx_local -g '#'
eva ns sfa enable influx_local
eva sfa server restart
That’s it. After restart, SCADA Final Aggregator immediately starts sending metrics to the specified InfluxDB.
Then you can downsample metrics of the required item, e.g. let’s downsample sensor:env/temp1 to 30 minutes:
CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY "downsampled_env_temp1_30m" ON "eva" BEGIN
SELECT mode(status) as "status",mean(value) as value
INTO "daily"."sensor:env/temp1"
FROM "sensor:env/temp1"
GROUP BY time(30m)
After, you can tell state_history SFA API function to select metrics from daily retention policy, specifying additional parameter o={ “rp”: “daily” }.
It is highly recommended to set notifier “interval” property, to properly handle states for the rarely updated items.
Version 2
InfluxDB version 2 setup is easy as well:
# setup the defaults
influx setup
# create a bucket
influx bucket create -n eva
# create a user
influx user create -n eva -p verysecretpassword
# create authentication policy, copy the auth token
influx auth create -u eva --read-buckets eva --write-buckets eva
# creave v1 dbrp mappings (optional)
influx v1 dbrp create --bucket-id <id_of_eva_bucket> --db eva --default --rp default
EVA ICS notifiers for InfluxDB v2.x are similar to v1.x, except:
EVA ICS can work with InfluxDB v2 both via v1 dbrp mappings and with new v2 API.
Token authentication is preferred (set “token” property of the notifier) and can be used for both v1 and v2 InfluxDB API.
When EVA ICS notifier is created as:
eva ns sfa create influx_local 'influxdb:'
v2 API is automatically used.
API can be switched on-the-flow by setting “api_version” property of the notifier (EVA ICS controller needs to be restarted).
For v2 API, “org” property of the notifier MUST be filled.
As v2 API returns data in the own flux-csv format, using v1 API is slightly more resource-optimized.
Some v2 functions (e.g. “mean”) changed its behavior, so historical data results for InfluxDB v1 and v2 may be slightly different.
EVA ICS can export metrics for Prometheus time series database.
To enable metrics export, create notifier for Prometheus (in the example below we’ll secure it with user/password authentication):
eva ns sfa create pr1 prometheus:
eva ns sfa test pr1
eva ns sfa set pr1 username prometheus
eva ns sfa set pr1 password 123
eva ns sfa subscribe state pr1 -g '#'
eva ns sfa enable pr1
eva sfa server restart
After controller restart, metrics are available at URI /ns/<notifier_id>/metrics. As Prometheus collect metrics by itself, EVA ICS Prometheus notifier just exports subscribed item states to the specified metrics URI every time when it’s requested.
For the example above, Prometheus job config will look like:
# .....
- job_name: 'eva'
scrape_interval: 5s
metrics_path: /ns/pr1/metrics
username: 'prometheus'
password: '123'
- targets: ['localhost:8828']
Notes about using EVA ICS and Prometheus:
As Prometheus doesn’t support “/” and “.*” for metrics, EVA item properties are exported as e.g. sensor:env:hum1_int:value
Only float and null item values are exported
To enable metric help, set item description
3rd party Clouds
Google Cloud Platform IoT Core
Controllers can communicate with GCP IoT Core using gcpiot notifiers:
Send telemetry of EVA ICS items to GCP devices
Receive commands from GCP
To enable this functionality, firstly you must generate RSA256 key pair.
As GCP IoT Core doesn’t support groups, create YAML key-value map file which looks like:
env.pressure: sensor:env/air_pressure
env.temperature: sensor:env/temperature
cctv1: unit:equipment/cctv
lamp1: unit:lights/lamp1
Then configure GCP IoT:
Create IoT registry in your project. Specify default telemetry topic from which you can obtain data via Pub/Sub. Make sure MQTT option is checked.
Create IoT gateway:
gateway name should match EVA ICS notifier id (e.g. gcpiot)
set Device authentication method to Association only
paste public key you’ve generated, make sure RSA256 is selected.
Create corresponding IoT devices. Enter Device ID only, leave other fields blank.
Go back to IoT gateway and bind all created devices.
Configure EVA ICS, e.g. let’s create notifier for Universal Controller:
eva -I
ns uc
create gcpiot gcpiot:PROJECT_ID/REGION/REGISTRY
# set CA certificate file
set gcpiot ca_certs /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
# set generated private RSA256 key file for auth
set gcpiot keyfile /path/to/private.pem
# set mapping file
set gcpiot mapfile /path/to/mapfile.yml
# test it
test gcpiot
# subscribe notifier to items
subscribe state gcpiot -g '#'
# set API key if you plan to execute commands
# you may use use $key_id to specify key id instead of API key itself
set gcpiot apikey $default
# enable notifier
enable gcpiot
# restart controller
server restart
You may send commands as to EVA ICS controller (Gateway->Send command) as to the individual devices.
All commands must be sent in JSON RPC 2.0 format.
You may send any API command, e.g. for the above example: for Common methods and for UC API.
API key in params is not required if set in notifier configuration, but may be overriden if specified.
If you send command to the particular IoT device (EVA ICS item), parameter “i” (item oid) is automatically added to the request.
E.g., let’s toggle unit:equipment/cctv:
{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "action_toggle" }
File notifiers
EVA ICS controllers can write state events directly into external files. Currently, the following file formats are supported:
csv comma-separated values
Files are written as endless, use any external file rotator or pick up the file manually when required. As soon as the output file is removed, a new file is automatically created.
Special options:
auto_flush by default, files are flushed only when rotated. By setting this option, data is flushed immediately, after each data string (increases disk usage)
dos_cr use DOS-style CR/LF line ending
eu_numbers use European number format for certain file formats (CSV)
HTTP Notifiers
HTTP notifications (aka web hooks) are used by applications, which, for some reasons, cannot work with MQTT in real time, e.g. servers containing third-party or your own web applications.
JSON notifier send POST request to specified URI with data:
k notification key the remote app may use to authorize the sender (if set)
space notification space (if set)
subject event subject
data event data array
Your application must respond with JSON if the event has been processed successfully (if empty response body is received, request is considered as successful):
{ "ok" : true }
or if your app failed to process it:
{ "ok" : false }
or with HTTP status 202 (Accepted).
The event data field is always an array and may contain either one event or several ones.
When EVA controllers test remote http-json endpoint, they send notifications with subject=”test” and the remote app should always respond with { “ok”: True } and HTTP status 200 (OK).
Example of custom notification processing server with Python and Flask:
from flask import Flask, app, request, jsonify
app = Flask(__name__)
@app.route('/json', methods=['POST'])
def j():
data = request.json
# process notification request
return jsonify({'ok': True})
If notification endpoint accepts only list (ndjson) data, set method=list in JSON notifier properties. In this case, all above fields are included in each notification data row.
This allows to send, process and collect EVA ICS logs, state telemetry and other data as HTTP NDJSON (Newline Delimited JSON) stream, which is compatible with various data collectors, processors and aggregators.
If notifier method property is set to jsonrpc, JSON RPC 2.0 call is performed. For JSON RPC, errors must be specified in “error” field of the response. For successful calls, the “result” field in response may contain any data.
from flask import Flask, app, jsonify, request, abort, Response
app = Flask(__name__)
@app.route('/jsonrpc', methods=['POST'])
def jrpc():
payload = request.json
result = []
for p in payload if isinstance(payload, list) else [payload]:
if p.get('jsonrpc') != '2.0': abort(400)
r = None
if p.get('method') == 'notify':
data = p.get('params')
# process data
i = p.get('id')
if i:
r = { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": { "ok": True }, "id": i}
i = p.get('id')
if i:
r = { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "error":
{ "code": 404, "message": "method not found" },
"id": i}
if not isinstance(payload, list):
result = r
if result:
return jsonify(result)
return Response(None, 202)
Basic authentication
All HTTP notifiers support basic authentication. To start using it, set username and password notifier properties.
Bulk (buffered) notifications
If there are lots of events between nodes, communication channels and controller processes may be flooded and work unstable.
In this case, it is recommended to use bulk notifications by setting buf_ttl notifier option. E.g. if the option is set to 0.1, events are grouped in the buffer and sent every 100ms in bulk.
To use bulk notifications with MQTT, additional options need to be set.
To use bulk notifications with web sockets (between controllers and with EVA JS Framework, ws_buf_ttl option need to be set in the controller props (on receivers), or in case of framework, with
$eva.intrval("ws_buf_ttl", 0.1);
Notifier frame counters
To monitor load of notifiers, “notifier list” CLI command or list_notifiers API method can be used.
The obtained “frame_counter” value is a frame counter of total packets sent via the notifier. The counter is unsigned 32-bit integer, which means that after 4,294,967,295 its value is reset to zero.
Switching Pub/sub notifiers
Switching notifier type
To switch between MQTT and PSRT on-the-flow, use the following command:
/opt/eva/install/switch-mqtt-psrt NOTIFIER_ID PROTO PATH
e.g. to switch the notifier “eva_1” to PSRT, use:
/opt/eva/install/switch-mqtt-psrt eva_1 psrt psrt-server:2873
Switching controller notifier path on primary nodes
/opt/eva/install/switch-controller-notifier SECONDARY_NAME NOTIFIER_ID
Consider there are two pub/sub notifiers created “eva_1” and “eva_2”. To switch secondaries, connected to the local Logic Manager and SCADA Final Aggregator from the node “nodeX” to “eva_2”, use the following command:
/opt/eva/install/switch-controller-notifier nodeX eva_2