EVA ICS WebEngine React
EVA ICS WebEngine React is a pack of low-code components to use with React framework. The library uses EVA ICS WebEngine for client-server communication.
All the provided components are highly customizable with parameters and CSS styles.
Source code: https://github.com/eva-ics/eva-webengine-react
NPM package: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@eva-ics/webengine-react
API reference: https://pub.bma.ai/dev/docs/eva-webengine-react/
General documentation about HMI client apps: see Interface development (HMI apps).
EVA ICS WebEngine React is written in TypeScript. It is highly recommended to use TypeScript instead of JavaScript to get all engine benefits (types, auto-completion etc.).
npm install --save @eva-ics/webengine-react
Example WebEngine React HMI (can be used as a template):
git clone https://github.com/eva-ics/eva-webengine-react-hmi1
cd eva-webengine-react-hmi1
// modify public/config.json
npm install