Advanced usage

Multi-page interfaces, external authentication

The primary page

If multi-page navigation contains links back to the main page, it should perform a single authentication attempt to re-use an existing token:

var first_time_login = true;

$eva.on("login.failed", function(err) {
  if (err.code == -32002) {
    // show login window
    if (first_time_login) {
      first_time_login = false;
    } else {
      // display err.message
  } else {
    // handle server error

The same method is used when client can authenticate itself with basic authentication on front-end sever and in mobile clients.

Secondary pages

By default, the interface should be programmed in a single HTML/J2 document ui/index.html or ui/index.j2, however sometimes it’s useful to split parts of the interface to different html page files.

Each HTML document should initialize/login SFA framework to access its functions. However if eva_sfa_set_auth_cookies is set to true, the secondary page can log in user with the existing token:

$eva.on("login.failed", function(err) {
    // token is invalid or expired, redirect the user to the main page
    document.location = "/ui/";

Authentication with front-end server

If there is a front-end server installed in front of UI and it has got HTTP basic authentication set up, the fields $eva.login and $eva.password can be empty and let framework log in using the basic authentication credentials.