Why RoboPLC?

RoboPLC has been founded as a project to write industrial automation and robotics Linux firmware in Rust with no overhead.

The components, provided by the roboplc and other project crates, cover the majority of the most common automation tasks. But RoboPLC is not only a set of libraries, its goal is to be a complete eco-system to reduce the time and boilerplate required.

We understand that some existing projects can not be ported to RoboPLC due to a huge codebase or other reasons. But we believe that RoboPLC can be the best choice for new projects or creating certain additional programs, tests or real-time tools for existing ones.

Let us review typical tasks.

Starting a new project

With pure Rust/cargo:

  • Create a new project with cargo new.

  • Add required dependencies to Cargo.toml.

  • Copy/paste certain parts of your typical template.

  • Make sure it compiles.

With RoboPLC:

  • Create a new project with robo new. That is it.

Connecting I/O

With pure Rust/cargo:

  • Find a required protocol crate.

  • Make sure it is not abandoned or broken.

  • Try to connect to your device.

  • Find the I/O is not reliable. Patch the crate. Replace std I/O components with some wrappers. Manually handle errors.

With RoboPLC:

  • A dozen of protocols are supported out of the box. Others can be added either as-is or easily modified to use the provided reliable I/O wrappers.

Make it real-time

With pure Rust/cargo:

  • Refresh your knowledge of real-time programming for Linux.

  • Find a CPU affinity crate. Find a thread scheduling crate.

  • Make sure all the found components work.

  • Design some regimentation to avoid the code turning into a mess.

  • Test that everything works as expected.

With RoboPLC:

A single derive and it is done:

#[worker_opts(cpu = 2, priority = 80, scheduling = "fifo")]
struct MyWorker {}

Test your program

With pure Rust/cargo:

  • Make sure you have access to the target device.

  • compile the binary.

  • scp target/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu/… (is there really aarch64? or x86_64? why these paths are so long…)

  • ssh to the device, run the binary.

  • Next time I definitely need to write a Makefile/justfile or a script for this. Or not, it was a one-time task…

  • (runs scp again) next time definitely!

With RoboPLC:

robo x

(see more: Flashing).

Deploy your program

With pure Rust/cargo:

  • Repeat the steps from the previous case.

  • Should I go with systemd? Or write some own launcher?

  • What should be the directory structure? Logging? (return to the code and add a logger).

  • I need to remember about all the file system permissions…

  • A customer: “It doesn’t start after reboot”. Fixing.

  • (calling to a colleague): are you uploading your firmware version too? I see The file is busy error.

With RoboPLC:

robo flash

(see more: Flashing).


With pure Rust/cargo:

  • Let us start with prints.

  • Then switch to a logger.

  • Find a crate for metrics. Learn/remember how to use it.

  • Make sure everything is working.

  • Find some UI to display everything.

With RoboPLC:

// install metrics exporter in Prometheus and metrics-scope formats

// Use it

Open RoboPLC Manager and enjoy.

Sending control commands

With pure Rust/cargo:

  • This is a firmware, it should get control commands with a certain protocol!

  • This protocol is too hard/annoying to be mocked. I need to create some basic interface to send commands directly…

  • (spending hours on it)

  • (spending days to make it more user-friendly)

With RoboPLC:

Add RFlow chat and enjoy.

Debugging image processing and computer vision

With pure Rust/cargo:

  • Print a vector of pixels. Ensure humans can not view it as an image.

  • Print a width/height/length of the image. Try getting something from it.

  • Store the image to a file. Open it in an image viewer.

  • The image is broken. Oh, I need to store an image after the each step while I am processing it.

  • Put the result blobs on the image to see if the processing works. It doesn’t work. Is there a processing bug or the blobs are just drawn in the wrong place?

With RoboPLC:

Add Video streams and the problem is solved.