Operation Centre custom IDC elements
IDC allows to create custom dashboard elements for various purposes, such as general UI elements, value displays, buttons, etc.
To create a custom IDC element, a basic knowledge of TypeScript (JavaScript can be used as well) and React is required.
IDC custom elements require EVA ICS 4.0.2 build 2024120401 or later.
Creating a new element module
Consider node.js and npm are installed.
npx idc-create-custom-element my-element
cd my-element
The command automatically creates a folder named my-element with a single dashboard element.
The default module bundler is webpack. The bundler can be switched to vite by specifying -b vite option.
The module contains a single TypeScript file src/index.tsx.
To build the element module, execute:
npm install
npm run build
This will create a dist folder with the compiled JavaScript file my-element.js.
To use the element module in IDC, it should be placed in pvt folder of EVA ICS node, the default path is /opt/eva4/pvt/vendored-apps/opcentre/idc/elements.
Here are several options how to deploy the element module:
Upload the module file manually or deploy using IaC and deployment.
If there is a local EVA ICS instance running, execute npm run install-local.
If there is access to a remote EVA ICS instance, execute npm run upload. The remote system and credentials are specified in config.json file, the format is the same as WebEngine configuration.
To simplify the deployment process, it is recommended to pack all module resources (CSS, images, etc.) into a single file. Refer to webpack or vite documentation for more information.
After the element module is uploaded, refresh the web browser to load it. For debugging purposes, open the browser developer console. If Verbose console level is enabled, IDC displays the list of loaded module elements.
Multiple elements in a single module
A module can contain multiple elements. If possible, it is recommended to combine elements in a single module to reduce IDC loading time.
import { IDCElementCollection } from "idc-custom-elements";
const collection = new IDCElementCollection();
export default collection.export();
Element API
Defining an element
IDCElement class allows to specify element parameters in build-pattern style:
import { IDCElement, IDCPropertyKind } from "idc-custom-elements";
const element = new IDCElement(
"class-name", // element class, can override the default IDC elements if required
Element // element view function
.actions(false) // if set to true, the element viewer gets additional parameters for action handling
.boxed(true) // If set to true, the element is placed into <div class="idc-element-box"></div> container
// Useful if a view returns e.g. a `canvas` or `input` HTML element directly
.description("Some element") // Element description, displayed in IDC sidebar
.defaultValue("prop1", 12345) // Default value for an element property
.defaultZIndex(10) // Default element z-index
.defaultSize(20, 20) // Approximate default element size in pixels, to auto-align element on creation
.group("My group") // Element group for grouping in IDC sidebar, the default is `Extra`
.iconDraw(() => <div style={{ fontSize: 21, fontWeight: "bold" }}>E</div>) // A React JSX element with a custom element icon
.prop("prop1", IDCPropertyKind.String, {}) // Element property, displayed in IDC sidebar
.vendored("something"); // static data is sent to the viewer as-is,
// hidden from users and not stored when a dashboard is saved.
Element properties
Elements can have properties of the following types. For the majority of types, property parameters can be specified (for some they are mandatory to let users to modify the property).
enum IDCPropertyKind {
// A boolean value (checkbox)
Boolean = "boolean",
// Formula input with automatic validation
// (see https://pub.bma.ai/dev/docs/bmat/functions/numbers.calculateFormula.html)
Formula = "formula",
// A number input
// params (object): { min, max }
Number = "number",
// Item OID. Warning: the OID is not subscribed and the engine does not have the item value
// params (object): kind - specify item kind (unit, sensor, lvar, lmacro)
OID = "oid",
// Item OID. The OID is subscribed when the dashboard is opened
// and the engine has the current item value
// params (object): kind - specify item kind (unit, sensor, lvar, lmacro)
OIDSubscribed = "oid_subscribed",
// Select a number from a list
// params (array): an array of numbers
SelectNumber = "select_number",
// Select a number using a slider
// params (object): min, max, step
SelectNumberSlider = "select_number_slider",
// A string input
String = "string",
// A string list, the value is an array of strings
StringList = "string_list",
// Select a string from a list
// params (array): an array of strings
SelectString = "select_string",
// Select a connected database
SelectDatabase = "select_database",
// If logged as administator, the user can select OID of any item in the
// system. Useful to specify OIDs for stateless items (lmacros).
// If logged as a regular user, a string input is displayed.
// params (object): i - item mask, src: item source
// see https://info.bma.ai/en/actual/eva4/core.html#item-list for more info
SelectServerOID = "select_server_oid",
// Select a color using a color picker
SelectColor = "select_color",
// A list of labels, values and colors as `Array<IDCValueMap>`:
// interface IDCValueMap {
// value?: string;
// label: string;
// color: string;
// }
// params (object): title - dialog title, help - dialog help text
ValueMap = "value_map",
// Simplar to ValueMap, but with no labels
// interface IDCValueMap {
// value?: string;
// color: string;
// }
// params (object): title - dialog title, help - dialog help text
ValueColorMap = "value_color_map"
View function
The view function is a React component that renders the element:
const Element = ({
dragged, // is the element dragged, useful e.g. to stop updating data from server
vendored, // static data from the element module
setVariable, // set a dashboard global variable
getVariable, // get a dashboard global variable
forceUpdate, // forcibly update the whole dashboard
...params // current values of all element properties
}: {
dragged: boolean;
vendored?: any;
setVariable: (name: string, value: string) => void;
getVariable: (name: string) => string | undefined;
forceUpdate: DispatchWithoutAction;
}): JSX.Element => {
const parameters = params as ElementParameters;
return <>Element</>;
If actions is set to true, the view function gets additional params fields for action handling:
disabled_actions - the actions should be disabled as the element is being currently edited
on_success: (result: ActionResult) => void; - a callback function to be called when an action is successfully executed
on_fail: (err: EvaError) => void - a callback function to be called when an action fails
Accessing WebEngine
While an element is loaded, it is considered EVA ICS WebEngine is logged in and running. EVA ICS WebEngine React hooks can be accessed as well, with no need to specify the engine object.
The current engine can be obtained either with get_engine function of EVA ICS WebEngine React module or by using window.$eva global object.