Quick start


For Node.js:

eva_framework = require("@eva-ics/framework");

// the default object
$eva = eva_framework.$eva;

// or for multiple targets
// $eva = new eva_framework.EVA();

For web browsers:

<script src="eva.framework.min.js"></script>


$eva.login = "operator";
$eva.password = "123";

// not required for web browsers
$eva.api_uri = "http://localhost:7727";

// turn on debug mode
// $eva.debug = 1;

$eva.on("login.success", () => {
  // called when login is successful, states and server info are loaded

$eva.on("login.failed", (err) => {
  // do some stuff
  console.log("LOGIN FAILED");
  // login failed not due to invalid credentials - will retry soon
  if (err.code != -32002) {
    setTimeout(function(){$eva.start()}, 2000);

// start framework and log in

Watching states and performing API calls

// watch example. Items can have multiple watchers, masks '*' are allowed.

$eva.watch("unit:tests/unit1", (state) => {
      document.getElementById("u").innerHTML = state.status?"ON":"OFF";

// action example, high-level API
async function handle_click() {
    await $eva.action.toggle("unit:tests/unit");

    () => { handle_click(); });

// action example, low-level API
document.getElementById("u").addEventListener("click", function() {
  $eva.call("action_toggle", "unit:tests/unit1").then(function(data) {
      console.log("action sent to server, uuid: " + data.uuid)
      // watch action result
      $eva.watch_action(data.uuid, function(action) {
        if (action.uuid) {
            if (action.finished) {
                console.log("action is finished, status: " + action.status);
        } else {
            console.log("server error");
    }).catch(function(err) {
      console.log("action failed, code: " + err.code + ", " + err.message);

Any EVA ICS API method can be called. The methods are called using EVA ICS HMI JSON RPC API.