C-style ABI

An alternative to use a native SDK is developing EVA ICS services using ABI.


The programming language must be able to compile shared libraries for Linux with non-mangled exported methods.

Services, written with ABI, are launched with FFI launcher.

ABI architecture

The current stable service ABI version is 1.

See also: C++ SDK


Common constants and structured are defined at:

The following structures are used:


struct EvaFFIBuffer {
  size_t len;
  char* data;
  size_t max;

A read-write buffer, depending on context.

  • The field “len” indicates data length.

  • The field “max” indicates amount of memory, allocated for the data pointer. For write operations, the number MUST be always checked. The writer MUST abort the operation with an error.


struct EvaFFIFrame {
  unsigned char kind;
  char *primary_sender;
  char *topic;
  size_t payload_size;
  char *payload;

A read-only buffer which contains a received bus frame. The fields “primary_sender” and “topic” are null-terminated strings.


struct EvaFFIRpcEvent {
  char *primary_sender;
  size_t method_size;
  char *method; // the method is allowed to be binary
  size_t payload_size;
  char *payload;

A read-only buffer which contains a received bus frame.

  • The field “primary_sender” is a null-terminated strings.

  • The field “method” is not a string, as EAPI allows RPC methods to be binary/numeric.


Both sides (launcher and the service library) follow the convention:

  • If a function returns int16_t, it must return either EVA_OK (0) if the operation is successful or a negative error code if failed.

  • If a function returns int32_t, it must return either EVA_OK (0) if the operation is successful and no data is required to be retrieved OR a positive number of bytes if there is an additional data. The caller must next allocate EvaFFIBuffer with the required amount of memory and call a method to get it.

  • For multi-thread environments, the result buffer MUST be always stored in a thread-local variable.

  • When the result is retrieved, the caller MUST process/copy it BEFORE the next ABI function is called.

  • If a payload encoding is not particularity specified, the payload is packed with MessagePack. MessagePack is the standard encoding of EAPI frames so there is no transcoding required between a service library and the bus.

Library functions to implement


The service shared library MUST export the following methods:


int16_t eva_svc_set_op_fn(uint16_t abi_version, int32_t (*f)(int16_t, struct EvaFFIBuffer*))

When the service library is loaded, the launcher immediately sets the service operations function pointer. The service operations function is the only function the service library uses to perform all required bus communication operations.

  • If manually implemented, service library SHOULD check ABI version.

For multi-thread environments, the function pointer MUST be always stored either in an atomic variable or using a higher-level mutex/thread-lock mechanism.


int16_t eva_svc_get_result(struct EvaFFIBuffer *ebuf)

The method is used by the launcher retrieve additional result data from a function if available.


int32_t svc_init(struct EvaFFIBuffer *initial_buf)

The method is called by the launcher to initialize the service after it is loaded.

  • The service library SHOULD process initial_buf, which contains the initial payload. The library MUST NOT process “prepare_command” or drop the process privileges - these are handled by the launcher.

The payload format is well-described in:

The payload structure is well-described in

however differs from a standard one that all optional fields are filled by defaults for compatibility purposes.

The initial payload can be also obtained manually for discovering purposes using the eva-shell command with RPC call to the node core:

eva -J svc call eva.core svc.get_init i=SVC_ID
  • The service library MUST send back MessagePack-encoded service metadata (see Metadata format). As already mentioned above, it MUST allocate a thread-local buffer, put there encoded data and return its size as the result.

Despite the service function is set, the bus is not connected at the moment the method is called, so no bus calls should be used otherwise an error is returned. There is impossible to use logging methods as well, the bus logging is not ready and muted. If a method needs to output a log message, it should use STDOUT/STDERR instead.

If the method returns an error, the service launcher quits.


The service library MUST respect fips parameter and use FIPS-140-compliant cryptographic libraries only if it is set to true. If the service is unable to work in FIPS-140-compliant mode, it MUST terminate itself with an error.



int16_t svc_prepare()

Called just before the service is marked ready. All bus calls are already available.

If the method returns an error, the service launcher quits.


int16_t svc_launch()

Called just after the service is marked ready.

If the method returns an error, the service launcher quits.


int16_t svc_terminate()

Called just after the service is marked terminated. The method SHOULD stop all background workers if spawned. There is no warranty the service launcher will deliver all data of bus operations, called after.

If the method returns an error, the service launcher quits.


void svc_on_frame(struct EvaFFIFrame *r)


The launcher executes this method in a separate thread.

Called with a bus frame is received. The frame format differs depending of topic, the majority of frames are well-described in:

The desired bus frames can be also obtained for discovering purposes with a command:

/opt/eva4/sbin/bus /opt/eva4/var/bus.ipc listen -t TOPIC # Set "#" to listen to all bus topics


int32_t svc_on_rpc_call(struct EvaFFIRpcEvent *r)


The launcher executes this method in a separate thread.

Called when an incoming RPC call is received. The service MAY implement RPC methods “action” (for unit actions) and “run” (for lmacro execution) as well as custom methods.

The method returns either EVA_OK (0), an error code or size of payload result (MessagePack-encoded). The result is put to a thread-local variable to be retrieved later.

For payload formats see Unit actions and Macros actions.


The function, its pointer is provided into eva_svc_set_op_fn is used by the service library, including its background workers, to perform service operations.

The recommended calling format is

return svc_op_fn ? svc_op_fn(op_code, data) : EVA_ERR_CODE_NOT_READY;

despite the pointer is set before any other library method is called. If the operation requires no data, it SHOULD be set to null-pointer.


Checks is the service active.

  • Operation code: 1

  • FFI buffer data: none

  • Returns: 1 for active, 0 for inactive

  • Bus required: no


Subscribes to a topic.

  • Operation code: 10

  • FFI buffer data: topic names, as null-terminated strings

  • Returns: none

  • Bus required: yes


Unsubscribes from a topic.

  • Operation code: 11

  • FFI buffer data: topic names, as null-terminated strings

  • Returns: none

  • Bus required: yes


Publishes data to a topic.

  • Operation code: 12

  • FFI buffer data: topic payload (MessagePack-encoded)

  • Returns: none

  • Bus required: yes


Performs a rpc call.

  • Operation code: 20

  • FFI buffer data: target, method (both null-terminated), payload (MessagePack)

  • Returns: call result (size) if available

  • Bus required: yes


Gets result of the latest rpc call.

  • Operation code: 29

  • FFI buffer data: the buffer MUST be set up and allocated by the caller

  • Returns: the call result is written into FFI buffer

  • Bus required: yes


Logs a trace-level message.

  • Operation code: 100

  • FFI buffer data: a message string (null termination not required)

  • Returns: none

  • Bus required: yes


Logs a debug-level message.

  • Operation code: 110

  • FFI buffer data: a message string (null termination not required)

  • Returns: none

  • Bus required: yes


Logs an info-level message.

  • Operation code: 120

  • FFI buffer data: a message string (null termination not required)

  • Returns: none

  • Bus required: yes


Logs a warn-level message.

  • Operation code: 130

  • FFI buffer data: a message string (null termination not required)

  • Returns: none

  • Bus required: yes


Logs an error-level message.

  • Operation code: 140

  • FFI buffer data: a message string (null termination not required)

  • Returns: none

  • Bus required: yes


Asks the launcher to terminate the service.

  • Operation code: -99

  • FFI buffer data: none

  • Returns: none

  • Bus required: yes


Forces the launcher to panic (critical error). the caller do not need to log the message itself, it is logged by the launcher automatically .

  • Operation code: -100

  • FFI buffer data: a message string (null termination not required)

  • Returns: none

  • Bus required: no