Training the model

Testing data fetch

Switch to Python interpreter or create a Jupyter notebook with Python kernel and test data loading. We are going to use data from the last 5 days:

from evaics.client import HttpClient

from datetime import datetime, timedelta

client = HttpClient('http://host', user='username', password='secret')
# do not set if no ML kit server installed
# set to ML kit server host/port if HMI and ML kit server are on different
# ports
client.mlkit = True

req = client.history_df(params_csv='params_alarm.csv')
data = req.t_start( - timedelta(days=5)).fill(

As the result there is a table with “time” and 3 additional columns:

                          time        pwr       temp  alarm
0    2023-03-21 22:15:00+01:00  78.598641  18.676482    0.0
1    2023-03-21 22:16:00+01:00  78.896076  18.825306    0.0
2    2023-03-21 22:17:00+01:00  79.158506  18.974394    0.0
3    2023-03-21 22:18:00+01:00  79.385697  19.123713    0.0
4    2023-03-21 22:19:00+01:00  79.577443  19.273229    0.0
...                        ...        ...        ...    ...
7135 2023-03-26 22:10:00+02:00  79.878043  10.700966    0.0
7136 2023-03-26 22:11:00+02:00  79.826741  10.745771    0.0
7137 2023-03-26 22:12:00+02:00  79.766478  10.791908    0.0
7138 2023-03-26 22:13:00+02:00  79.697268  10.839371    0.0
7139 2023-03-26 22:14:00+02:00  79.619127  10.888154    0.0

[7140 rows x 4 columns]

If Jupyter or other graphical environment is used, let us plot the data or its part:

Data chart

Perform the training

In the previous chapter the data has been loaded for visual analysis. For TensorFlow there are some other requirements:

  • time column is not required for machine learning. It can be either dropped after the data frame is loaded or we can ask ML kit to return a data frame without time column

req = client.history_df(params_csv='params_alarm.csv')
data = req.t_start( - timedelta(days=5)).fill(
    '1T').fetch(output='pandas', t_col='drop')

We can go with pure TensorFlow, however EVA ICS ML kit Python client has got built-in tools to perform linear regression analysis. Let us create two functions:

from import Regression

# this function is used to create a machine learning model
def train(data):
    # create a regression model with window size for 40 minutes, a standard
    # scaler (scikit MinMaxScaler), training data where scalar response is
    # "alarms" col and the column data is shifted for 60 minutes
    reg = Regression(window_size=40).with_standard_scaler().with_training_data(
        data, y_cols='alarm', y_shift=60).with_standard_model().prepare_data()
    # fit the model with 30 epochs
    # print the model summary
    # save the model. the method creates two files: alarms.h5 with the
    # model data and alarms.dat with the scaler and other peripherals'alarms')

# this function is used to fit the model with more data later to make it
# more accurate
def train_again(data):
    # load the model back from alarms.h5 & alarms.dat and prepare a new
    # data block
    reg = Regression().load('alarms').with_training_data(data).prepare_data()
    # the exception is raised if some data values are out of scaling range
    # the model can still be trained with such data but the accuracy and
    # performance may decrease
    except ValueError as e:
        print(f'{e}, it is recommended to train the model from scratch')
    # fit the model with 30 epochs
    # save the model back'alarms')

Call the first function once to create the model and perform initial training:


The model can be additionally trained with a new data at any time:


The model is trained and ready for predictions.