Quick start: A real task

The task

Consider there is a Modbus (unit 1) temperature sensor which outputs data as IEEE754 float. The data is stored in the holding registers 0-1.

There is also a fan, controlled with Modbus relay (unit 2), which turns on when the coil 0 is 1.

Let us create a monitoring program, which turns the fan on when the temperature goes above 30 degrees and off when it goes below 25.

Creating a new Rust project

Make sure RoboPLC CLI is installed:

cargo install roboplc-cli

And create a new RoboPLC project with modbus RoboPLC feature:

robo new quickstart --features modbus

The Rust project is ready. Its Cargo.toml should look like:

name = "hello"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"

roboplc = { version = "0.1", features = ["modbus"] }
tracing = { version = "0.1", features = ["log"] }

Program code

Let us review the program code with comments included. A few notes:

  • In RoboPLC data exchange between workers can be performed in both traditional way: using shared variables. And using a centralized data hub with real-time channels. The last one way is preferred, as it allows to perfectly synchronize workers, minimizes event latency and can be used not only in traditional industrial automation applications but also in real-time robotics.

  • All workers are usually configured as real-time threads, assigned to specific CPU cores and have got real-time scheduling policies and priorities.

// Importing all the necessary stuff for the Modbus communication
use roboplc::io::modbus::prelude::*;
// Importing all the necessary stuff for the controller
use roboplc::prelude::*;
// The interval component is used to create interval loops
use roboplc::time::interval;
// Logging macros from tracing crate
use tracing::{error, info};

// Define the timeout for the Modbus communication
const MODBUS_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(1);

// Define the timeout for the shutdown. In RoboPLC the shutdown timeout is very important, after
// the program is forcibly terminated with SIGKILL.
const SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(1);

// Message class, to exchange data via the controller's hub
#[derive(DataPolicy, Clone)]
enum Message {
    // The is only one event class: temperature. RoboPLC channels can work as traditional channels
    // but also allow to apply different delivery policies if necessary. Here delivery policy is
    // single, which means that only the last value is delivered in case if a receiver is unable to
    // process the data in time.

// Let us define a shared variables type. In this example it is not used, however still required
// for the controller and workers.
type Variables = ();

// In RoboPLC the majority of data communication is performed with structures, which are
// encoded/decoded using [`binrw`] crate. The crate is re-exported by the RoboPLC. For Modbus, the
// data is automatically encoded/decoded in big-endian format.
struct Sensor {
    temperature: f32,

// The relay structure, contains a single coil. As [`binrw`] can not work with booleans, coils and
// inputs must be specified as bytes.
struct Relay {
    state: u8,

// Modbus puller worker. The derive macro `WorkerOpts` automatically implements the required
// `WorkerOptions` trait, which provides the worker name, CPU, scheduling, priority and other
// options.
// This worker is assigned to CPU 1, with FIFO scheduling, priority 50. The worker name is not
// specified, so it will be automatically generated from the structure name.
#[worker_opts(cpu = 1, scheduling = "fifo", priority = 50)]
struct Puller {
    // Modbus register mapping
    sensor_mapping: ModbusMapping,

// Worker implementation
impl Worker<Message, Variables> for Puller {
    // The method `run` is mandatory for each worker.
    fn run(&mut self, context: &Context<Message, Variables>) -> WResult {
        let hub = context.hub();
        // Let us pull the sensor every 500ms and send the temperature via the hub.
        // The worker iterator loop is stopped in case if the controller goes to `stopping` state
        // (got SIGTERM or SIGINT or terminated in any other way).
        for _ in interval(Duration::from_millis(500)).take_while(|_| context.is_online()) {
            match self.sensor_mapping.read::<Sensor>() {
                Ok(v) => hub.send(Message::Temperature(v.temperature)),
                Err(e) => {
                    error!(worker=self.worker_name(), err=%e, "Modbus pull error");

// The worker which analyzes the temperature and controls the fan. The worker is also assigned to
// CPU 1, with the same real-time parameters.
// `blocking = true` means that the worker is blocking and the controller must not wait for it to
// finish, as the worker continously reads the hub's channel. If such workers need to be shut down
// gracefully, consider introducing a special shutdown message event, but it will be overhead for
// the current example.
#[worker_opts(cpu = 1, scheduling = "fifo", priority = 50, blocking = true)]
struct FanControl {
    fan_mapping: ModbusMapping,

impl Worker<Message, Variables> for FanControl {
    fn run(&mut self, context: &Context<Message, Variables>) -> WResult {
        let hub = context.hub();
        // Register a receiver in the hub, with a condition to receive temperature messages only.
        let hc = hub.register(self.worker_name(), event_matches!(Message::Temperature(_)))?;
        for msg in hc {
            match msg {
                Message::Temperature(temp) => {
                    // Process the logic
                    let state = if temp > 30.0 {
                    } else if temp < 25.0 {
                    } else {
                    // In case if a relay command is required, send it to the Modbus
                    if let Some(state) = state {
                        let relay_state = Relay { state };
                        if let Err(e) = self.fan_mapping.write(&relay_state) {
                            error!(worker=self.worker_name(), err=%e, "Modbus send error");

// The main function of the program
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // Setup the panic handler. RoboPLC provides a custom panic handler, which immediately kills
    // the process with SIGKILL, no matter in which thread the panic occurs.
    // Configure the logger. RoboPLC automatically configures the logger to log messages to
    // stdout, with no timestamp if started by systemd.
    // RoboPLC considers the mode as "production" if the program is started by systemd.
    if !roboplc::is_production() {
        // The method sets "simulated" mode, which means all real-time settings such as scheduling,
        // CPU affinity and etc. are ignored. It is useful for debugging and testing the program on
        // a local machine.
    // The controller instance
    let mut controller: Controller<Message, Variables> = Controller::new();
    // Create a TCP client for the Modbus communication. RoboPLC provides own types for TCP and
    // serial communication, which automatically handle reconnection if required. The types also
    // provide API for thread-safe socket sharing and locking it exclusively.
    let modbus_tcp_client = roboplc::comm::tcp::connect("", MODBUS_TIMEOUT)?;
    // Create a Modbus mapping for the sensor: unit 1, holding register 0, 2 registers.
    let sensor_mapping = ModbusMapping::create(&modbus_tcp_client, 1, "h0", 2)?;
    // Create and spawn the puller worker
    let puller_worker = Puller { sensor_mapping };
    // Create a Modbus mapping for the fan: unit 2, coil 0
    let fan_mapping = ModbusMapping::create(&modbus_tcp_client, 2, "c0", 1)?;
    // Create and spawn the fan control worker
    let fan_control_worker = FanControl { fan_mapping };
    // Register SIGINT and SIGTERM handlers with the maximum shutdown timeout
    // Block the main thread until the controller is stopped