Pub/Sub RPC and data replication


  • EVA ICS v4 has no “spaces”, all topics are written to the pub/sub root. If more than one cluster is set up, consider using multiple or virtual pub/sub servers.


  • State topics are written into state topic: ST/unit, ST/sensor and ST/lvar. Such state events have JSON payload encoding.

  • a special state topic STBULK, which accepts bulk state events in subtopics

  • Log and action state replication are not supported by default and has no any standard.


Nodes send test messages to TEST/random(uuid) topic in any format

Announce/discovery/node state

Nodes announce their states to NODE/ST/<name> topic in the following format:

status: ready/terminating

starting/ready statuses have additional fields:

build: EVA ICS build (u64) version: EVA ICS version (string)

Bulk events

  • byte 0: 0x00 (binary notification)

  • byte 1: protocol version (current 1)

  • byte 2: protocol flags

  • byte 3-4: reserved

  • byte 5-: sender (string) 0x00 encryption key id (string) or nothing 0x00 payload

where protocol flags byte is (bits)

0-3 - encryption type (0 - none, 1 - AES-128-GCM, 2 - AES-256-GCM)

4-5 - compression type (0 - none, 1 - bzip2)

6-7 - reserved



RPC request are performed to NODE/RPC/<target_name> topics and have the following payload format:

  • byte 0: protocol version (current 1)

  • byte 1: 0x01 (rpc request)

  • byte 2: protocol flags

  • bytes 3-4: reserved

  • byte 5-: sender (string) 0x00 encryption key id (string) or nothing 0x00 payload

(see Bulk events for protocol flags)

Call payload format:

  • bytes 0-15: 16-byte request uuid

  • byte 16: method 0x00 params (msgpack)

AES GCM nonce (12 bytes) is added at the payload end


RPC replies are sent to NODE/RPC/<caller_name> topic in the following format:

(flags must be same as used in the RPC request)

  • byte 0: protocol version (current 1)

  • byte 1: 0x11 for reply 0x12 for error reply

  • bytes 2-3: reserved

  • bytes 4-19: 16-bytes request uuid

  • byte 20-: payload (encrypted)

(see Bulk events for protocol flags)

Response payload format:

  • byte 0: data (msgpack)

Error payload format:

  • byte 0: error code (i16)

  • byte 2: error message


  • the encryption key id must match the key value on both sides

  • the call is considered as authorized if either the encryption is turned off or the payload is successfully decrypted